Friday, 9 July 2010

Me & My Mum

From my July dip into my Bijoux Belles mojo jar I pulled out "scrap a picture of your Mum" which happened to be one of mine. This picture was taken last month and I wanted to scrap it, so I decided to use this for my July dip.


Momma Malaka said...

Love it!

Maria said...

Oh Susi this is great, I love the colours, the paper and the lettering but best of all is the journalling, which I could just about read when enlarged and it brought a lump to my throat. Well done Susi, this can't have been easy to scrap but its well worthwhile

Anonymous said...

I love the stitching, a lot of love and work has gone into this. Jen x

Curly said...

That's fab Susi

Sarah said...

Love this - love the colours and the butterflies - alphas are fab - love it all xxx

MiniOwner said...

Lovley lovely lovely!!!

MiniOwner said...

Aww bless you Susi, a sweet sad moment for you. Sending hugs,
Sue x